Posts from October 2023

Posts from October 2023

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 10/25/23

Dear SCC & Friends, …lest we drift… ~Hebrews 2:1 Reflection #190                  Drifting may be defined as the movement or direction from a desired path, which suggests that it is an unintentional or gradual process. It takes intentionality to stay focused on why we are here and what we are here for. All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way… ~Isa. 53:6 It’s more than just doing our duty… The angel of the church of Ephesus addressed…

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 10/18/23

Dear SCC & Friends, What shall we do? ~John 6:28 Reflection #180                  Our faith is not to be a spectator sport managed by professional clergy with a weekly check-in on Sunday morning. There is something in human nature that hastens to delegate and relegate responsibility to the expertise of others. Am I a forgetful hearer or an effectual doer? Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out…

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 10/11/23

Dear SCC & Friends, Have salt in yourselves… ~Mark 9:50 Reflection #188                  Salt is essential to all of life. Jesus chose His words carefully when He said, “You are the salt of the earth.” ~Matt. 5:13 In antiquity, salt was a precious commodity… In ancient Greece, slaves were traded for salt – An unruly slave was said to be “not worth his salt.” It just takes a little salt to make us thirsty and it doesn’t take much to affect the taste – Just a…

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 10/4/23

Dear SCC & Friends, …this I know… ~Psalm 56:9 Reflection #187                         During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s there was a move of God known as the Jesus Movement. It was predominantly driven by young people who had a deep thirst for the reality of God in their lives. A common expression was often used to distinguish between a believer and non-believer… “Does he know the Lord?” They weren’t talking about Bible scholarship (though important) or church attendance (also important) but having a…