Posts from November 2024
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 11/27/24
Dear SCC & Friends, …overflowing with gratitude. ~Colossians 2:7 Reflection #247 Happy Thanksgiving! I love this time of the year… the beginning of the holiday season. The word holiday is a derivative of holy day… setting aside time to reflect and refresh. We are exhorted to overflow with gratitude as a byproduct of our faith in Christ. An overflow is evidenced when something cannot be contained. My cup runneth over is a word picture of abundant blessing and expression beyond limits. I…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 11/20/24
Dear SCC & Friends, God shall supply all your needs… ~Philippians 4:19 Reflection #246 Sometimes we can confuse needs and wants. We can get so focused on wants that they turn into needs and affect our spiritual and psychological wellbeing. A need is something necessary for survival… food, water and shelter. A want may be a good thing but remains something we don’t necessarily need. Basic needs are essential to life, while our wants and desires remain non-essential. There is…
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Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 11/13/24
Dear SCC & Friends, Who can discern his errors… ~Psalm 19:12 Reflection #245 Truth is true if nobody believes it, and falsehood is false if everybody believes it. If something is true, it cannot be false, and if something is false, it cannot be true. As human beings we are by nature truth seekers; as fallen human beings we are also by nature truth twisters. ~Os Guiness We are called to be men and women of discernment who can perceive, understand and judge…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 11/6/24
Dear SCC & Friends, …to whom honor is due… ~Romans 13:7 Reflection #244 When one joins the Armed Services, he or she is required to take an oath. This is the oath I took as have millions of other veterans in service to their country… I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take…