Posts from August 2024

Posts from August 2024

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/21/24

Dear SCC & Friends, …enter His rest… ~Hebrews 3:18 Reflection #233                       Getting more done in less time may be efficient, but it does not come without a price. The Lord has given us much to do, and it is rest that gives healthy balance. Rest means to cease work or movement, to refresh and recover strength. It’s the sabbath principle of ceasing from our labors and entering into His rest and renewal… For the one who has entered His…

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/14/24

Dear SCC & Friends, …the full armor ~Ephesians 6:11 Reflection #232                  Every Christian is engaged in spiritual warfare whether they know it or not. The Lord is our sanctuary and salvation and polar opposite from the “god of this age”…Satan blinds the hearts of the unbelieving… Time is on his side. He’s outlived Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and is hell bent in deception, destruction and death. He’ll be judged at the consummation of the age, but until then …be on the…

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 7/31/24

Dear SCC & Friends, If we confess… ~1 John 1:9 Reflection #230                  The primary way to uncover our sin is confession. Every day my conscience makes confession, relying on the hope of God’s mercy as to be more trusted than my own innocence. ~St. Augustine~ The first to plead his case seems just, until another comes and examines him.~Prov. 18:17 If you have children, you understand the “blame game”… He did it first! She started it!… On and on…