Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 1/15/25

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 1/15/25

January 15, 2025

Dear SCC & Friends,

…the stability of your times. ~Isaiah 33:6

Reflection #254

                 Our world is in a constant state of flux. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. Stability may be defined as being firm, solid, steady and secure. It’s evidenced as we look at the unwavering quality of marriage vows, which serve as the bedrock for mutual love and commitment… Marriage vows are a shared covenant that transcend the changing circumstances of life that come to us all. Our stability emanates from being faithful in good times and bad, sickness and health, richness and poorness. Life is not about being perfect but realizing the Lord is at work. …it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. ~Philip. 2:13 Jesus is ever our source and gives us the strength and fortitude to endure adversity and overcome uncertainty… And He shall be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge… ~Isa. 33:6

                 I never really wanted to be a public speaker. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a vast majority (75%) of people rank fear of public speaking as their number one fear. Prior to my ordination, I asked the Lord if He was aware of the fact that I didn’t have a “radio voice”, nor did I want to pastor a church. His response was made very clear to me, “I’ll do my part, and I expect you to do yours.” For we are God’s fellow-workers… ~1 Cor. 3:9 My part is still a work in progress…His part is perfect and evidenced by His unwavering love in any and every circumstance. Whatever we face, the ultimate outcome always belongs to the Lord who gives us what we need when we need it… Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful… ~Heb. 10:23-24 We were made for these days… Keep up the good work!

He is faithful and true,
