SCC Covid-19 Update 5/20/20

SCC Covid-19 Update 5/20/20

May 20, 2020

Dear SCC & Friends,

Update #11

            My dear wife and I had our “one argument” many years ago, and in my unbiased and opinionated way, I knew I was right, and she was wrong. My demeanor was unpleasant and forceful, and all she needed was to have my perspective to be right. She was frustrated because she didn’t agree, and then hit me with an all-time zinger, “You may be right in judgment, but you are wrong in your spirit.” It was like an arrow, and I knew she was right, and in my “rightness” I had created “wrongness.” I don’t remember what our disagreement was about as we were both in our twenties. What I do remember is something very meaningful was added to me that day.

Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.  Psalm 133:1 Unity is something to behold because it is so rare. There is great blessing in unity! Each of us has a perspective about the COVID-19, both on policy and the far-reaching ramifications. At this point, speculation of who is right and who is wrong floods media outlets. I do know, in our “rightness of opinion” we can obscure something even higher. There is an old saying, “On a calm sea every man is a captain.,.” and as we know, the sea has changed. Our job is to weather the storm with a unified heart, knowing the Lord will give us all we need to serve and bless. May each of you experience the Lord’s favor and blessing in these days. Let’s continue to be prayerful with a heart and attitude that pleases the Lord!

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person. Colossians 4:6

In His love,
