Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 10/11/23
Dear SCC & Friends, Have salt in yourselves… ~Mark 9:50 Reflection #188 Salt is essential to all of life. Jesus chose His words carefully when He said, “You are the salt of the earth.” ~Matt. 5:13 In antiquity, salt was a precious commodity… In ancient Greece, slaves were traded for salt – An unruly slave was said to be “not worth his salt.” It just takes a little salt to make us thirsty and it doesn’t take much to affect the taste – Just a…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 10/4/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …this I know… ~Psalm 56:9 Reflection #187 During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s there was a move of God known as the Jesus Movement. It was predominantly driven by young people who had a deep thirst for the reality of God in their lives. A common expression was often used to distinguish between a believer and non-believer… “Does he know the Lord?” They weren’t talking about Bible scholarship (though important) or church attendance (also important) but having a…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 9/27/23
Dear SCC & Friends, If you forgive… ~Matthew 6:14 Reflection #186 Forgiveness does not come easily to us, especially when someone we have trusted betrays our trust. And yet if we don’t learn to forgive, we will discover that we can never really rebuild trust. ~Billy Graham~ Almost forgiving and forgiving are two different things. None of us get through life without being hurt and offended. In fact, it’s a fact… We are going to be disregarded, mishandled, abused, accused and otherwise. The ultimate issue is…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 9/20/23
Dear SCC & Friends, He weighs our motives. ~Proverbs 16:2 Reflection #185 Our motives, whether hidden or obvious, reveal the internal issues of the heart. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight. O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. ~Ps. 19:12 I once shared with a friend how bad I felt about “inadvertently” hurting my wife’s feelings. She had asked about a Christmas budget… we were broke, and my reaction made her feel bad for even…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 9/13/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …stand firm… ~1 Corinthians 16:13 Reflection #184 Standing firm takes courage and resolve. It means holding a resolute position that will not be dissuaded by friend or foe. In the midst, we need God’s help to discern that our resolution and determination is based on right perception and wisdom. There is an urban legend about a battleship at sea in bad weather. The captain was on the bridge. It was foggy. Just after dark the lookout spotted a light…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 9/6/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …don’t worry about tomorrow… ~Matthew 6:34 Reflection #183 Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. ~Anon.~ No man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear. If you find yourself so loaded at least remember this; it’s your own doing, not God’s. He begs us to leave the future to Him and mind the present. ~George MacDonald~ The future belongs to…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/30/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …but mere talk… ~Proverbs 14:23 Reflection #182 Labor Day weekend is celebrated in the United States to honor the dignity of work and the people who do it. Every morally good task has dignity, whether the laborer who sweeps floors or the boss who runs the company. Our jobs are what we do but do not define who we are. Throughout the course of our lives, we may have many jobs but will always have one calling to Christ…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/23/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …is anything too hard for Me? ~Jeremiah 32:27 Reflection #181 Pray as though everything depended on God and work as though everything depended on you. ~Augustine~ It’s ironic when our schedule doesn’t allow us time for certain things, but then a crisis hits, and we don’t have time for anything else. A crisis may be defined as a convergence of intense difficulty, trouble or danger… A crisis has the faculty of getting our full attention. Think of Israel… backed up to the…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/16/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …it is a gift of God… ~Ephesians 2:8 Reflection #180 There’s a story about a man who believed he could get to heaven based on his good works. He dies and meets St. Peter looking over the book of salvation. Peter says, “I’m sorry, but you’re not in here.” “What do you mean I’m not in there? How can that be? I was a deacon in our church and served on the board of Habitat for Humanity!” Peter says,…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/9/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …called to fellowship… ~1 Corinthians 1:9 Reflection #179 When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devil shouts for joy. ~Corrie ten Boom~ Our faith is both singular and corporate. We need each other and the Lord reveals Himself in fellowship through His amazing grace and abiding love. …being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. ~Phil. 2:2 The Greek…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/2/23
Dear SCC & Friends, Be patient… ~James 5:7 Reflection #178 Patience is the companion of wisdom. ~St. Augustine~ Every parent that has ever taken a road trip with their kids knows the query, “How much farther? Are we there yet?” And of course, the answer is, “Just a little bit longer.” Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and developed over a lifetime. It may be defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. The virtue…
Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 7/26/23
Dear SCC & Friends, …choose for yourselves… ~Joshua 24:15 Reflection #177 A law of physics is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Natural law remains true regardless of circumstances. Truth is true whether we believe it or not. If “my truth” says the law of gravity does not exist, my denial will not change a fatal outcome if I were to jump from a tall building. Spiritual law is equally true regardless of circumstances. Sin always overperforms and underdelivers,…