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SCC Covid-19 Update 6/2/20

June 2, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #13             It takes a lot to knock COVID 19 off the front page. We are all painfully aware and deeply saddened by the circumstances and tragic events regarding the death of George Floyd. Many people are on edge, justifiably frightened and concerned both for their neighborhoods and the nation as a whole. Many peaceful protests have turned violent, as we watch opportunists and anarchists spark chaos and bedlam in our streets.…

SCC Covid-19 Update 5/27/20

May 27, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #12                 It’s been nearly three months since most of our country went into shut down. During this time, I have been in contact with many of the local pastors in our area via Zoom. We share a common love and concern for the Lord’s purpose in these days. Churches are different in size, style and constituency. The timing and methods of how each church re-gathers will also be diverse, and that…

SCC Covid-19 Update 5/20/20

May 20, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #11             My dear wife and I had our “one argument” many years ago, and in my unbiased and opinionated way, I knew I was right, and she was wrong. My demeanor was unpleasant and forceful, and all she needed was to have my perspective to be right. She was frustrated because she didn’t agree, and then hit me with an all-time zinger, “You may be right in judgment, but you are wrong…

SCC Covid-19 Update 5/13/20

May 13, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #10             There’s an old song…Slow down, you’re moving too fast! Go, go, go…You need to be productive! Get back on track! Don’t look back! You’re losing ground, etc. The silver lining in the COVID 19 cloud has afforded many of us the opportunity to refocus…Not that everything was out of kilter, but simply slowing down enough to take stock of what is important and essential. The shutdown has affected many of us…

SCC Covid-19 Update 5/6/20

May 6, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #9             I have always been a sports enthusiast, playing, watching, analyzing and in general enjoying the competition and camaraderie derived from athletics. Locker rooms are filled with catchy posters…“No pain, no gain…There is no I in team,” etc. Now it seems that even non-athletes are using sports clichés as motivation in their vocations; i.e., “It’s game time…The clock is running…Keep your eye on the ball…He really answered the bell…That was a…

SCC Covid-19 Update 4/29/20

April 29, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #8             We are in a season that is out of season. Days have lost their distinctives, routines upended, and special events have been cancelled. In the midst, I am so grateful you are alive and well. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of the 60,000 that have died from COVID-19, not to mention those who are presently ill. It’s too easy for us to focus on our inconvenience…

SCC Covid-19 Update 4/22/20

April 22, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #7             I hope each of you are doing well…I continue to appreciate the many ways you have found to communicate and reach out. Our video podcast has been well received and will continue until we can meet again. We can’t forecast exactly when things will open up again, but we can use these days as opportunities to serve and bless. Last week we honored and prayed for our medical people, and…

SCC Covid-19 Update 4/15/20

April 15, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #6             It’s been six weeks since we started quarantines, social distancing and generally relegated to being homebound. The local, regional, national and international impact of COVID-19 is still before us, but we do have reason to be encouraged…not the least of which is the Lord is by our side. The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way, when he falls, he shall not…

SCC Covid-19 Update 4/8/2020

April 8, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #5             A recent poster caught my eye: Wash your hands like you just got done slicing jalapeños for a batch of nachos, and you need to take your contacts out. Let’s continue to follow CDC guidelines and look for creative ways to stay in touch, reach out and redeem the time. So many of you have been doing a great job of both staying current with each other as well as reaching out…

SCC Covid-19 Update 4/1/2020

April 1, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends, Update #4             Blessings to each and every one of you including your kids, your spouses, your in-laws, your nieces and nephews, your parents, your grandparents, your cousins, your aunts and uncles, your siblings, your friends, your bosses, your clients, your patients, your students and anybody else in your sphere. I miss everyone and know that we shall continue to be in each other thoughts and prayers. I remain encouraged and blessed by…

SCC Covid-19 Update 3/25/20

March 25, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends,             This is my third update, and I hope you and your family are finding peace and grace amid change and uncertainty. I am struck by the fact that the Coronavirus is invisible to the naked eye, and we can only see the negative effects. I am also struck by the fact that God is invisible and through spiritual eyes we can see the Lord’s visible effects of grace and love in our lives. Now unto…

SCC Covid-19 Update 3/18/20

March 18, 2020 Dear SCC & Friends,             Hope you are faring well in the midst of these unprecedented times. Thank you for your prayers for Dudley and Paige. We are very grateful they got back just under the wire, and the Lord was with them in a unique way. The impact and potentialities of the coronavirus is on everyone’s mind. I’ve been reminded of Joshua and the word of the Lord before he was to go into the promised…