Dear SCC & Friends,
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it…~Phil. 1:6
Update #64
When I was a new Christian, I went with a friend to help an elderly widow whose house was dilapidated and in desperate need of care. We brought rakes and shovels along with paint and plaster and a sincere desire to be a blessing. I felt really good about myself being so “thoughtful and selfless.” She met us at the door and looked directly at me and bluntly asked if I was saved, and I said, “Oh yes!” You been baptized? “Yes” again… You go all the way under? “Yes…” Then you’re saved!! I had no idea what she was talking about and overlooked her misplaced certainty about water baptism. A few days after helping her, the police came to my house because the widow had been robbed and gave my description as a suspect…so much for good intentions gone bad. For the record, it was mistaken identity, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of the situation. How many times have we tried to do the right thing with good motives and still found ourselves blamed or misunderstood? We are challenged in Scripture not to grow weary in doing good, which means to me we can grow weary. If we allow it, unmet expectations can bring out the worst in us.
An old friend wrote me recently and said they had spent the past year in a “Covid cave.” I joked with him that extended hibernation is a good thing for bears but not necessarily for people. He who separates himself seeks his own desire, he quarrels against all sound wisdom. ~Prov. 18:1 Manmade caves lead to false security, relational withdrawal and spiritual dead ends. God has made us social creatures who are to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. The church is people and as such are “the ecclesia,” which literally means the “called out ones.” Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. ~1 Thess. 5:24 “Through many trials, toils and snares we have already come…” “It’s not the person who starts the race but the one who finishes.” Wherever we are in the race, may our hearts be steadfast as we press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. ~Phil. 3:14…A call and purpose that is not to be neglected… Keep up the good work!
Together in the journey,