Dear SCC & Friends,
…practicing hospitality. ~Romans 12:13
Reflection #158
As far back as you want to go in the history of God’s people, one of the duties of the righteous is hospitality. ~John Piper~ We are challenged not to just think hospitality or appreciate hospitality. Rather, we are called to practice it… to actually do it as part of our faith and works. Hospitality is not something to “sub out” or relegate to others… While the gift of hospitality is most certainly given to some, it can also be cultivated in the rest of us. ~Anon.~ It’s not just for certain people who like to host or seem to have a talent. It’s a learned skill coming from a kind and motivated heart. It’s for all of us. …freely you received, freely give. ~Matt. 10:8 Hospitality is both an action and affection and is synonymous with welcome, generosity and warmth. Any time we practice hospitality, we follow in the steps of our lavishly hospitable God. ~Anon.~ …keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining. ~1 Pet. 4:8-9 True hospitality sets an atmosphere of inclusiveness and value which advances the Kingdom of God more than we will ever know.
Several years ago, we were on a mission trip and stayed with a family who had very little in terms of material wealth… They were rich in the things that matter. They used a hotplate for a stove, which heated the water to fill a bucket to be used for the shower. They used the same hotplate to prepare an ordinary meal for us with extraordinary warmth and care. It was all they had… at one point, they apologized, thinking their home might not be up to “our standards”. We assured them that the honor was ours and were humbled by their love and generosity. After dinner we shared stories, neighbors came over and we talked and laughed late into the night. Sharing stories are verbal acts of hospitality. ~Eugene Peterson~ Our friends didn’t necessarily have the “gift of hospitality”; but more importantly, they had the “heart of hospitality”. And don’t neglect to do good and share what you have; for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. ~Heb. 13:16 May the Lord help each of us to open our hearts and homes to serve and bless. We were made for these days… Keep up the good work!