Dear SCC & Friends,
If it is possible ~Romans 12:18
Reflection #215
Absence of conflict does not mean we have unity or love. I hate to admit it, but it has been conflict, be it unpleasant or untimely, that drove me deeper into my need and reliance on the Lord. I don’t like conflict, seek it out or wish it upon others… Even if we try to avoid conflict, it always seems to be there or just around the corner. Whether we like it or not, conflict and contention give substance to life. Maturity and transformation cannot take place without adversity. The early church knew this… Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.~Jam. 1:2-4 It is far too easy to react to circumstances rather than respond… The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so abandon the quarrel before it breaks out. ~Prov. 17:14
Working through conflict is not always about being right, but is always about righteousness. We are capable of being absolutely right in judgment yet very wrong in spirit… A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but the slow to anger pacifies contention. ~Prov. 15:18 Conflict in this life is inevitable, but reconciliation is not, and requires intentionality and love. …He has given us the ministry of reconciliation. ~2 Cor. 5:17 I once asked a psychologist for his opinion on the main cause of divorce… I thought he might say infidelity, communication issues or self-centeredness. His response surprised me. He said, “The inability to manage pain.” It takes courage, love and obedience to work through conflict and reconcile… be it friend or enemy, husband or wife, parent or child, pastor or congregant, coach or player, boss or employee. …you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell. ~Isa. 58:12 We can do this… Keep up the good work!
In His purpose,