Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/14/24

Weekly Reflection from Pastor Kevin 8/14/24

Dear SCC & Friends,

…the full armor ~Ephesians 6:11

Reflection #232

                 Every Christian is engaged in spiritual warfare whether they know it or not. The Lord is our sanctuary and salvation and polar opposite from the “god of this age”…Satan blinds the hearts of the unbelieving… Time is on his side. He’s outlived Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and is hell bent in deception, destruction and death. He’ll be judged at the consummation of the age, but until then …be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. ~1 Pet. 5:8 It is a battle for the minds and hearts of men. The Devil still uses that age-old question he posed in the beginning… “Has God said?” Like a good chess player, Satan is always trying to maneuver you into a position where you can save your castle only by losing your bishop. ~C.S. Lewis~

                 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. ~Eph. 6:13 Spiritual armor is given to us by God for our protection. It only has value if we put it on. In the tropical jungles of Viet Nam, the heat and humidity could be stifling. The men didn’t want to wear their helmets (steel pots) nor their flak jackets because of the intense heat and lulls of contact with the enemy. Too often unnecessary casualties were the result. Life itself is a war zone in the throes of good and evil. It is to our advantage to put on the full armor given by God… to stand firm, resist and fight the good fight… He who calls us to battle has also equipped us… May we never forget or marginalize who we are or what we have. …greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. ~1 John 4:4 Keep up the good work!

Made for these days,
